Migration from v4 to v5

With v5, this library introduces a number of breaking changes



Chart.js v4 and vue-chartjs v5 are ESM-only packages. To use them in your project, it also should be ESM:

// package.json
  "type": "module"

If you are experiencing this problem with Jest, you should follow this doc to enable ESM support. Or, we can recommend you migrate to Vitest. Vitest has ESM support out of the box and has almost the same API as Jest. Here is our example of migration.


Chart.js v4.1 and vue-chartjs v5.1 have restored the CommonJS support.

API changes

  • chartData props were renamed to data
  • chartOptions props were renamed to options
  • unknown props will fall through to the canvas element.
  • generateChart were refactored and renamed to createTypedChart
  • Vue.js < 2.7 is no longer supported. If you want to use vue-chartjs with Vue < 2.7 you have to lock your version to 4.x.

Migration from v3 to v4

With v4, this library introduces a number of breaking changes. In order to improve performance, offer new features, and improve maintainability, it was necessary to break backwards compatibility, but we aimed to do so only when worth the benefit.

v4 is fully compatible with Chart.js v3.


v4 of this library, just like Chart.js v3, is tree-shakable. It means that you need to import and register the controllers, elements, scales, and plugins you want to use.

For a list of all the available items to import, see Chart.js docs.


import { Bar } from 'vue-chartjs'

v4 — lazy way:

import 'chart.js/auto';
import { Bar } from 'vue-chartjs'

v4 — tree-shakable way:

import { Bar } from 'vue-chartjs'
import { Chart as ChartJS, Title, Tooltip, Legend, BarElement, CategoryScale, LinearScale } from 'chart.js'

ChartJS.register(Title, Tooltip, Legend, BarElement, CategoryScale, LinearScale)

Using the "lazy way" is okay to simplify the migration, but please consider using the tree-shakable way to decrease the bundle size.

Please note that typed chart components register their controllers by default, so you don't need to register them by yourself. For example, when using the Pie component, you don't need to register PieController explicitly.

import { Pie } from 'vue-chartjs'
import { Chart as ChartJS, Title, Tooltip, Legend, ArcElement, CategoryScale } from 'chart.js'

ChartJS.register(Title, Tooltip, Legend, ArcElement, CategoryScale)

Changing the creation of Charts

In v3, you needed to import the component, and then either use extends or mixins and add it.


// BarChart.js
import { Bar } from 'vue-chartjs'

export default {
  extends: Bar,
  mounted () {
    // Overwriting base render method with actual data.
      labels: ['January', 'February', 'March'],
      datasets: [
          label: 'GitHub Commits',
          backgroundColor: '#f87979',
          data: [40, 20, 12]
  <BarChart />

import BarChart from 'path/to/component/BarChart'

export default {
  name: 'DataPage',
  components: { BarChart }

In v4, you need to import the component, pass props to it, and use Chart component as a standard Vue component.

  <Bar :chart-data="chartData" />

// DataPage.vue
import { Bar } from 'vue-chartjs'
import { Chart as ChartJS, Title, Tooltip, Legend, BarElement, CategoryScale, LinearScale } from 'chart.js'

ChartJS.register(Title, Tooltip, Legend, BarElement, CategoryScale, LinearScale)

export default {
  name: 'BarChart',
  components: { Bar },
  data() {
    return {
      chartData: {
        labels: [ 'January', 'February', 'March'],
        datasets: [
            label: 'Data One',
            backgroundColor: '#f87979',
            data: [40, 20, 12]

New reactivity system

v3 does not update or re-render the chart if new data is passed. You needed to use reactiveProp and reactiveData mixins for that.


import { Line, mixins } from 'vue-chartjs'

export default {
  extends: Line,
  mixins: [mixins.reactiveProp],
  props: ['chartData', 'options'],
  mounted () {
    this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options)

v4 charts have data change watcher by default. v4 will update or re-render the chart if new data is passed. Mixins have been removed.


  <Bar :chart-data="chartData" />

// DataPage.vue
import { Bar } from 'vue-chartjs'
import { Chart as ChartJS, Title, Tooltip, Legend, BarElement, CategoryScale, LinearScale } from 'chart.js'

ChartJS.register(Title, Tooltip, Legend, BarElement, CategoryScale, LinearScale)

export default {
  name: 'BarChart',
  components: { Bar },
  computed: {
      chartData() { return /* mutable chart data */ }

Migration from vue-chart-3

Uninstall vue-chart-3

pnpm rm vue-chart-3
# or
yarn remove vue-chart-3
# or
npm uninstall vue-chart-3

Install vue-chartjs

pnpm add vue-chartjs
# or
yarn add vue-chartjs
# or
npm i vue-chartjs

Change component import path

For Vue 2.7 and Vue 3 projects:

import { /* component */ } from 'vue-chartjs'

For Vue 2 (<2.7) projects:

import { /* component */ } from 'vue-chartjs/legacy'

Rename components

  • BarChart to Bar
  • DoughnutChart to Doughnut
  • LineChart to Line
  • PieChart to Pie
  • PolarAreaChart to PolarArea
  • RadarChart to Radar
  • BubbleChart to Bubble
  • ScatterChart to Scatter

Rename props

  • options to chartOptions